Separation Anxiety consultation

Separation anxiety is a condition wherein individuals experience excessive fear or distress about being apart from people to whom they are emotionally attached. This condition is most commonly observed in children, but it can also affect adults. As a natural part of development, children might feel uneasy when they are away from their parents or caretakers, but when these feelings are intense and persistent, it may be classified as separation anxiety disorder.

Symptoms of separation anxiety include frequent and severe worry when anticipating or being away from home or loved ones. Individuals might have nightmares about separation, refuse to go to places that require them to be apart, and experience physical symptoms like headaches or stomach aches when separation occurs or is anticipated. Children might cling excessively to their parents, have trouble sleeping alone, or throw tantrums when faced with separation. Adults can also exhibit similar symptoms such as overwhelming anxiety, constant worry about loved ones' safety, and difficulty concentrating on tasks.

Treatment for separation anxiety often involves a combination of approaches. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is commonly used to help the affected individuals manage their anxiety through various coping strategies. Gradual exposure to the concept of separation can also help lessen fear over time. In some cases, medication might be prescribed to manage severe anxiety symptoms. Support from family and educators is crucial in creating a reassuring environment that fosters gradual independence and reduces anxiety.

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