Say bye to general Anxiety

Learn how to control general anxiety to achieve calm and psychological balance

A cognitive behavioral therapy program tailored to each case, in which you share with your therapist by building a treatment plan that aims to help you raise your self-confidence to overcome your psychological crisis and overcome any fears or anxiety that plagues you and a dark look or compulsive thoughts and obsessions, your therapist will be by your side step by step to help you overcome a crisis Stress and anxiety to bring you peace and smile again.

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690 SAR
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Say bye to general Anxiety

Say bye to general Anxiety

About Program

What is General Anxiety?


Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is a type of anxiety disorder characterized by excessive worry and heightened tension without a clear cause. Individuals with GAD experience persistent and overwhelming anxiety, regardless of daily circumstances. This anxiety can impact personal and professional life, affecting job performance and relationships.
Therapeutic and psychological support can be invaluable tools in dealing with GAD and overcoming it. Through consultation with mental health professionals, effective strategies can be provided to help manage this type of anxiety, ultimately improving one's personal and professional quality of life.


Is this program suitable for me?


If you are facing these challenges, the General Anxiety program may be suitable to help you improve the quality of your personal and professional life !


      Excessive and persistent worry about various aspects of life.

      Difficulty controlling or managing anxiety.

      The feeling of disturbance or tension.

      Fatigue, irritability, or difficulty in concentration.

      Physical symptoms such as muscle tension, headaches, or sleep disturbances.

      Impact on daily life, work, or relationships.

Program Sessions and Stages

These five steps form a structured approach to help individuals overcome general anxiety and achieve peace and mental balance. Personalized programs may include additional components designed specifically to meet the unique needs and progress of each participant

Step One: Assessment and Diagnosis

The first step is to assess and diagnose the individual's anxiety levels and the specific factors contributing to their general anxiety. This often includes a thorough evaluation of their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

Step Two: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Implement CBT techniques to address the underlying thought patterns and beliefs that contribute to general anxiety. CBT helps individuals identify and challenge negative thought patterns and replace them with more positive and rational thinking

Step Three: Stress Management and Coping Strategies

Teach stress management techniques and coping strategies to help individuals deal with anxiety-inducing situations. This can include relaxation exercises, mindfulness practices, and time management skills

Step Four: Exposure and Desensitization

Gradual exposure to anxiety-inducing situations can be an effective approach to reduce anxiety. This helps individuals confront their fears in a controlled and supportive environment, gradually desensitizing them to anxiety triggers

Step Five: Relapse Prevention

Provide strategies for relapse prevention and the maintenance of progress. It's important to help individuals recognize signs of regression and equip them with tools to sustain the gains they've made in overcoming social anxiety
وداعاً للقلق العام

Learn how to control general anxiety to achieve calm and psychological balance

690 SAR

Program Providers


Cura Medicine User
Cura Medicine User27 years

يعطيها العافية الاخصائية على عطائها واحتوائها .. كانت هذي الجلسة الاخيرة .. لمست ثمرة التمارين والفنيات والنصائح والتوجيهات اللي اعطتني هي وانا في البداية وراح استمر عليها بإذن الله .. أتمنى لها كل التوفيق

Cura Medicine User
Cura Medicine User26 years

بفضل الله ثم الإخصائية تغيرت للأحسن وتغيرت بشكل ماكنت اتوقعه تحولت الى شخص ايجابي والقلق اختفى وتحول الى طاقة ايجابية ولله الحمد .. شكرا لك


Got Questions? Find Answers Here – Your Comprehensive Health and Wellness Program FAQ or you can contact our support team for help

Do I have to come to a specific place to complete the session?

ليس عليك الحضور إلى أي مكان، فبإمكانك إقامة الجلسة العلاجية في أي مكان تتواجد فيه طالما أنك تمتلك اتصال انترنت جيد ومستقر

How confidential will it be?

تضمن لك كيورا سرية تامة فلا يمكن لأحد الاطلاع على مايدور داخل الاستشارة إلا أنت ومعالجك والمشرف الطبي لتقييم الجودة لضمان حقك، حيث أن جميع البيانات مشفرة في خوادم التطبيق. كما أن أي معلومات لايمكن تداولها نهائياً

Do I have to disclose my personal identity?

لست مضطراً للافصاح عن بياناتك الشخصية. كل ماتحتاج إليه هو اسم مستخدم من اختيارك ووضع ايميل ورقم هاتف للتواصل معك عند الضرورة

Can I choose my psychotherapist?

بالطبع يمكنك اختيار معالجك النفسي بنفسك عن طريق تصفح قائمة المتخصصين الذين يقدمون برامج العلاج النفسي، ويساعدك في الاختيار التقييمات التي علق بها زوار العيادة التي تظهر تحت ملف كل أخصائي نفسي

Do I have to pay every time I open a session?

بعد شراء برنامج التعامل مع القلق المعمم لن تضطر للدفع كل مرة فأنت ستدفع مرة واحدة عند بداية الاشتراك وستجد كلما فتحت جلسة أنها متاحة دون دفع أي قيمة

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