Kidney Failure Treatment in Saudi Arabia

Kidney Failure, also known as renal failure, is a medical condition where the kidneys lose their ability to adequately filter waste products and excess fluids from the blood. This excretory malfunction leads to the build-up of harmful substances in the body, which can disrupt the balance of electrolytes and other essential components. Kidney failure can develop quickly, known as acute kidney injury, or it can progress over time as chronic kidney disease (CKD). The condition can be life-threatening if not managed properly.

Symptoms of kidney failure can be quite varied, often depending on whether the condition is acute or chronic. Common signs include a reduction in urinary output, fluid retention causing swelling in the legs, ankles, or feet, and fatigue or generalized weakness. Individuals might also experience shortness of breath due to fluid build-up in the lungs, confusion, nausea, and chest pain. In cases of chronic kidney disease, symptoms might be less noticeable in the early stages but can become severe as the disease progresses.

Treatment for kidney failure focuses on addressing the underlying causes and managing symptoms to improve quality of life. In acute cases, immediate medical intervention is essential, which may include medications, intravenous fluids, or dialysis to temporarily take over the kidney’s filtering function. For chronic kidney disease, management includes blood pressure control, dietary restrictions, and medications to manage symptoms and slow progression. Dialysis or kidney transplantation may be required in advanced stages. Regular monitoring by healthcare providers is crucial to adjust treatment plans and provide supportive care throughout the course of the disease.

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Dr. Fahd Abdullah Alshuweishi

Internal Medicine
CONSULTANTConsultation Price 230 SAR
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Dr. Duaa Mohammed Al Romaili

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