What is OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a psychological disorder characterized by the presence of recurrent and distressing thoughts called 'obsessions,' which compel the individual to perform repetitive actions known as 'compulsions,' regardless of their rationality.
These thoughts and actions can lead to significant stress and interference in the individual's daily life.
OCD can impact both functional performance and personal relationships and typically requires psychological treatment for recover.
Is this program suitable for me?
If you are experiencing any of the following challenges, this program may be suitable to help you overcome OCD and improve your quality of life:
Persistent distressing obsessions and compulsions.
Disruption of daily routines due to time-consuming rituals.
Anxiety and psychological distress related to obsessive thoughts.
Need to perform compulsive actions to alleviate anxiety.
Difficulty concentrating on tasks and activities..
Strained personal and professional relationships.