A little about meأنا أخصائي نفسي حاصل على درجة الماجستير في العلاج النفسي متخصص بعلاج الحالات والاضطرابات النفسية منذ خمس عشر سنة حاصل على تصنيف هيئة التخصصات الصحية
Diseases I TreatGeneralized Anxiety DisorderSchizoid Personality DisorderSocial PhobiaSchizophreniaPostpartum DepressionPanic DisorderSeparation AnxietyAntisocial Personality DisorderPhobic DisorderHypochondriasisAvoidant Personality DisorderNarcissistic Personality DisorderObsessive-compulsive Personality DisorderParanoid Personality DisorderDependent Personality DisorderGender Identity Disorder
Symptomps or Issues I treatGriefDoubtNightmaresStressFear of Public PlacesInability to ConcentrateInsomniaForgetfulnessFrustrationMasturbation AddictionPorn AddictionFear of HeightsFear of Confined PlacesLow Self-esteemPanic Attacks
Medical Services I ProvidePsychotherapySupportive TherapyPsychological CounselingFamily TherapyMarital TherapyInterpersonal psychotherapyBehavioral TherapyBehavior ModificationCognitive Behavioral TherapyCognitive Therapy
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